Amir Rezazadeh, born in Tehran, Iran, in 1994, is a dynamic individual ​passionate about science, art, and sports. Growing up in Tehran, he ​developed an interest in science and art. His family moved to the UAE when ​he was 10, where he discovered his love for ICE hockey. At 15, he moved to ​the UK for university, studying Life Sciences. Later, he pursued a Master's ​in Biotechnology Management in Australia.

Alongside his studies, Amir excelled in Ice hockey, winning gold medals for ​Iran and playing for teams in the UAE and Australia. He's also a talented ​photographer and graphic designer, particularly interested in fashion ​photography.

Amir aims to use his scientific knowledge to create organic health ​products and wants his art to inspire others. His journey showcases the ​power of passion and perseverance, inspiring others to follow their ​dreams.

Contact Me

AUSTRALIA : +61460666616 UAE : +971505420440